Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A few more rants and raves

Ok so I haven't blogged in a while. I am sure you missed me. But I am warning you before you read this, that these are my OPINIONS. And if you disagree, you are welcome to hit the "x" button at the top of the webpage. And also this will be getting a little political. But I will start off on a rant about how much our country has fallen.

     Our society today has been trained to be lazy. With the ability to get welfare, food stamps, EBT cards, etc. to easily in this country today goes to show just how LAZY we are. I am not fond of having to work hard and bust my behind, just so unemployed ABLE-BODIED people could get some of my hard earned money. Now before you jump down my throat, I do understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. But these people eating real well, with nice phones, nice rides, etc. are better off than me, and I WORK for that money. And they don't. OH NO!!!!!!

"There are jobs that can't be brought here, because they are low wage, low skill jobs" - President Obama.

I completely disagree. 

Why don't we bring low skill jobs back to America for people who don't have but low skills and are sucking the government dry by living off of welfare and government support but AREN'T working? Just an idea.
We need to retrain Americans to work for what they get. Not just lay down and start having babies, and that will get you another paycheck. Look, I understand poor. I am poor. My mom lost her job of 23 years about 2 years ago. We have been hurting. I had to quit school so I could work and pay my own bills because I am not okay with hand-outs. I have been working since I was 16. And will work until I retire. I do not enjoy working, but it's called being a grown-up. That's also what's wrong with alot of the boys these days. Many of them don't know what hard-work looks like. These boys need to take a lesson from their daddy and grandpa's book and see the hard work they endured and get back to it. You reap what you sow. I know of 2 men right now in their 80's and 90's who are very healthy for their ages and one put in elevators back in his day and the other has worked on a farm his whole life. Boys today are not MEN they are boys who expect hand-outs (well, at least most of them are this way).

    I am so tired of this country blaming its problems on others. It lies with our leader. And in my earlier blog it talks about being a leader. And our current leader does not fit the criteria. Now I am not saying that I agree with everything Romney says, but we do share similar beliefs and so far he is who I have been the most impressed with. I have been waiting for 4 years for Obama to impress me, hasn't happened. He has raised taxes. I am now paying $3.89 for a gallon of gas. And our nations debt grew to 16 trillion dollars!! Now Obama blames previous leaders, but he has done nothing to lessen the deficit or create jobs. I'm not saying that I believe any of the promises made by either candidate, but logic would suggest that if one of them promised things, had 4 years to show improvement and didn't, then that person is not to be trusted. I am no fool. I know politicians lie and that they all make promises they can't keep, but I wish the public weren't to ignorant to know that they are being manipulated and taken advantage of. I wish it was a blind election. Meaning, you have no clue who you are voting for, and you are FORCED to just listen to the issues and then make up your mind. You can not be swayed by someones appearance.

I am so over this "victim" mentality that so many Americans have these days. If you are ABLE (good health, no criminal record, etc.) to work, and are not, but living off MY money. GO GET A JOB!!! McDonald's and Wal-mart are always hiring. If you are jobless, no job should be beneath you. Have some self-respect and have just enough pride that you are not gonna accept hand-outs, but join the working class of America. It sucks, but you will be working and see the fruits of your labor.

You've been gingersnapped.

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this post!!!! You are so right. This country was founded on hard work, not hand outs!! And as far as welfare, food stamps, etc for those who actually need it, I believe that is on us as Christians because it should never have been for the government to "take care" of these people. As Christians we're supposed to take care of the poor, the widows, the orphans. The Bible never says, "Pay your taxes and let the government handle it." (And do a horrible job of it)
    It really all comes down to this awful, selfish, entitlement mentality. "The government OWES me this" or "I'm poor so the government should do this for me and that for me." NO!! You need to go out and get a job! and earn money for you and your family and take responsibility for yourself and your actions!
    Bring on November 6th...we need some actual change for the better! We can't afford 4 more years of the same thing.
