Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hi (your name here)!!

Hey all. My name is Mary Beth. And I am relatively new at the "blog" thing, but here goes. I just know I have a lot to say and no where to let it out. So why not online to some strangers, right? 

I am 23 years old and work retail. I will not say where bc I will be discussing my job on here and do not want to face any consequences for bad-mouthing my job. I am very close to finishing college. I just needed to take a break from it due to my mother losing her job. I had to begin working full-time so I could begin to pay all my bills. But I will finish soon. I am newly engaged!!! :-) His name is Ray and we have been engaged since February of this year. I am a very lucky lady to have a man like him who loves me so much and would do anything for me. 

I am a Christian. And I am sinner who has fallen from grace, but my loving Father and Savior rescued me from the fiery pit of hell. And I am forever grateful! 

I have one brother who is older. His name is Bobby and he is the best. I am one lucky little sister to have a bro that will always protect me from any harm and threaten any that comes my way. 

And I know everyone says that their mom is the best, but I fully believe I have the best mom ever. She raised 2 kids, maintained a full-time job and still made it to football games to see my bro play and me do my cheerleading thing. We've had our ups and downs, but she has ALWAYS been there when I need her. And I am just blessed with such a loving and strong mom. She is the strongest woman I know. She withstood violence, lies, deceit, hatred, ugly words, and constant put downs. But yet here she is today standing taller and stronger for it. I love my mom.

"I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I am free". I love to sing and act b/c I believe those are the talents God has given me and I was always taught to use what God has blessed me with. 

In this blog, I will be keeping it short since it is just getting to know me. I will begin my rants and raves tomorrow. 

I would like to give a disclaimer to this blog. Due to frustration or lack of wording to best describe a situation, there might be LIMITED use of strong language. And I will be saying exactly what I need to since this my only way of outlet. And I do love to write and can get quite creative. 

So I will do my best to inform you as well as entertain you. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and PLEASE share me around. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to blogging! I'm excited to read your rants and raves!!

